District 8 Community Meeting
2:00pm ~ Feb 11, 2023
“La Hacienda Restaurant”
1110 Hillsboro Rd. Franklin TN 37064

~Commissioner Drew Torres~
~School Board Member, Donna Clements~
Come and ask questions or voice your concerns about upcoming issues.
Dear Neighbours,
This February 2023 the Williamson County Commission meeting will be at the Williamson County Administrative Complex auditorium @ 7:00 PM on Monday, October 10th.
This meeting will be also publicly broadcast on the local public TV stations as well as WC-TV accessible on the county website, as well as on YouTube afterward. Go to WC-TV to live stream. The meeting will be broadcast on Comcast Channel 3, Charter Channel 192, AT&T Channel 99, and United Communications Channel 207.
There are 15 resolutions under consideration in this month’s meeting. Here are some of the more notable ones. Seven of which are on the consent agenda.
You can always go HERE to view the Williamson County Calendar.
You can go HERE to view the voting district map to verify which district you live in, which will determine which candidates you can vote for in this year’s elections.
You can go HERE to explore what county district or congressional district you are living in as well.
You can go HERE to register to vote in Tennessee.
2-23-1 resolution for inter-category adjustment for approved raise for the 2022-23 budget year. The Williamson County Commission approved a 3% raise for all county employees to be paid in the 2022-23 year. This raise in the amount of $9,214,688 was put in the 2022-23 budget as a single line item and needs to be distributed into the proper salary and benefits accounts,
2-23-2 resolution authorizing the Williamson County Mayor to enter into an agreement with the state of Tennessee, Dept. of Military,Tennessee Emergency Management Agency to reimburse funds in the amount of $347,500.32 with funds coming from a federal pass-through grant. These funds were a reimbursement for expenses incurred responding to a FEMA declared disaster in March/April of 2021.
2-23-3 resolution appropriating and amending the 2022-23 Archives budget by $22,000. The records storage division of the County Archives is opening soon at its new location on Grigsby-Hayes Ct and is transferring records to the new location and needs to purchase new additional storage boxes, Funds to come from the Archive Records Fee Reserve.
2-23-5 resolution appropriating and amending the 2022-23 Juvenile Services budget and Employee Benefits budget by $65,684.80. Funds to come from county unappropriated general funds. This will add two additional full-time Juvenile detention officers needed because of increase demand.
2-23-6 resolution appropriating and amending the 2022-23 Sheriff’s Office budget by $500.000 for medical services. Funds to come from unappropriated county general funds.
2-23-8 resolution appropriating and amending the 2022-23 Parks and Recreation budget by $185,000. Funds to come from participant fees. These funds will be used for theater classes and theater productions.
2-23-9 resolution appropriating and amending the Capital Improvement Plan 2022-23 for Parks and Recreation budget by $70,000 with funds coming from the Privilege Tax. These funds are needed to replace lawn mowers originally purchased in 2015 which need replacing.
2-23-10 resolution appropriating and amending the 2022-23 Parks & Recreation budget by $80.000. These funds are needed to pay for contracts at the Performing Arts Center. Funds are to come from participant fees.
2-23-13 resolution accepting a donation of a law enforcement trained Lagotto Romagnolo canine from Nashville K-9, LLC on behalf of Williamson County Sheriff’s Office.
County Mayor Appointments
Agricultural Committee 2yr term, exp. 2/25
Re-nomination of:
Farmer Devin Gilliam
Farm woman Amy Tavalin
Commissioner David Landrum
County Commission meetings are normally held at the Administrative complex at 1320 West Main St., Franklin in the auditorium (East end of bldg) @ 7 PM and generally on the 2nd Mon. of the month. Meeting agendas are available HERE. There is no meeting in December, April, or August. July’s meeting is when the tax rate and budget for the upcoming year are approved.
Anyone interested in getting a better understanding of our county resolutions can come to the Budget Committee meetings held on 1st Mondays @ 4:30 pm in the Conference Room across from the County Mayors’ office. In this committee, any resolution with a fiscal consequence is discussed one week prior to being voted on by the Commission as a whole. All Committee meetings are open to the public.
All your feedback is welcome.
Best Regards,
Barb Sturgeon
Williamson County Commissioner
District 8