Dear Neighbours,
This March 2023 the Williamson County Commission meeting will be at the Williamson County Administrative Complex auditorium @ 7:00 PM on Monday, March 13th.
This meeting will be also publicly broadcast on the local public TV stations as well as WC-TV accessible on the county website, as well as on YouTube afterward. Go to WC-TV to live stream. The meeting will be broadcast on Comcast Channel 3, Charter Channel 192, AT&T Channel 99, and United Communications Channel 207.
There are 26 resolutions under consideration in this month’s meeting. Here are some of the more notable ones. Seven of which are on the consent agenda.
You can always go HERE to view the Williamson County Calendar.
You can go HERE to view the voting district map to verify which district you live in, which will determine which candidates you can vote for in this year’s elections.
You can go HERE to explore what county district or congressional district you are living in as well.
You can go HERE to register to vote in Tennessee.
3-23-1 resolution to amend Article 11 of the Williamson County Zoning Ordinance regarding uses that may be served by Nontraditional wastewater treatment and disposal systems. Currently such systems are only permitted in RD-5 (Rural Development 5) for non-residential uses or in conjunction with Conservation Subdivisions. This amendment would allow their use in the RD-5 areas of the Triune Character Area and College Grove Village Special Area Plan where such systems would be appropriate.
3-23-2 resolution to amend Articles 12 and 14 of the Williamson County Zoning Ordinance regarding Open Space standards. This proposed revision requires that a minimum of 40% of the overall road frontage within Conservation Subdivision must abut open space having a depth of at least 100 feet to provide better integration of open space and more creative subdivision design. Currently the open space requirement is no more than 8 lots can be consecutively located on the same side of the street without being interrupted by open space having a certain width. It also requires a 50 foot open space strip around the perimeter of all Major Traditional Subdivisions and this amendment would exempt this requirement for subdivisions of a minimum of 5 acre lot sizes.
3-23-5 resolution amending the 2022-23 Central Cafeteria Fund Budget by $3,363,130.28 for additional expenditures from excess Fund Balance. These are excess funds because the Central Cafeteria fund is limited to not to exceed the average cost of three months operational expenses. Thus an extensive review of needed equipment replacements and up-dates which will use these excess funds.
3-23-7 resolution appropriating and amending the 2022-23 Health Department Budget by $997.52 revenues to come from grant funding to be used for child safety seats to caregivers that meet financial criteria.
3-23-8 resolution authorizing Williamson County to participate in and education incentive program by matching the state incentive payment for qualified volunteer firefighters and establishing a similar program for qualified emergency response personnel in Williamson County and appropriating and amending the 2022-23 Public Safety budget with revenues to come from the state of Tennessee ($56,600) and Unappropriated County General Fund balance($82,700.10) For a total of $139.300.10.
3-23-9 resolution appropriating and amending the 2022-23 Solid Waste budget by $366,000 for additional fuel expenses due to the rise in fuel prices.
3-23-11 resolution appropriating and amending the Parks and Recreation Dept. budget by $48,000 from Privilege Tax funds to be used to install a prefabricated building at the Franklin outdoor pool to provide an air conditioned space for staff and the computer equipment which is heat sensitive.
3-23-13 resolution appropriating $95,263.00 for the purchase of fifty automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) with additional cabinets, patient pads, license and shipping costs with funds coming from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). These AEDs will be placed around the county in county facilities in the event of a life threatening event.
3-23-14 resolution appropriating not to exceed $850,000 for the replacement of the bridge on Forest Dr.
3-23-17 resolution authorizing the Williamson County Mayor to enter into a lease agreement with election systems and software for the temporary use of voting machines. This resolution if approved would authorize an extension to the lease of the currently used ES&S voting machines for use in elections in August & November elections in 2023.
3-23-18 resolution authorizing the Williamson County Mayor to enter into a lease agreement with the City of Fairview for the use of a facility to provide emergency response services.
3-23-20 resolution to permit the Williamson County Mayor to authorize the temporary sale of alcoholic beverages at the Agricultural Exposition Park during the annual Rotary Rodeo.
3-23-21 resolution amending the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan for Schools, Roads, Fire Protection and Recreation.
Late Filed Resolutions
3-23-23 resolution appropriating and amending the 2022-23 Health Dept budget by $25,000 with revenues coming from a state grant targeting suicide prevention activities.
3-23-24 resolution authorizing Williamson County to join the state of Tennessee and other local governments in amending the Tennessee State Subdivision Opioid Abatement agreement and approving the related settlement agreements. This amended agreement will materially increase settlement funds that Tennessee and its local governments will receive.
3-23-25 resolution authorizing the Williamson County Mayor to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the City of Fairview for new recreational ballfield lighting at the Fairview Ball Park and appropriating and amending the 2022-23 Capital Projects budget by $429,522.00. This cost will be split by the City of Fairview and Williamson County.
County Mayor Appointments
Planning Commission
4yr term, exp. 3/27
Re-nomination of:
Sammy McCoy
Emergency Communications District, Board of Directors
4 yr term. exp 3/27
re-nomination of:
Districts 8 & 9 Robert Ring
Districts 10 & 11 Jeffrey Gray
Disciplinary Review Board
2 yr term, exp. 3/25
re-nomination of:
Seth Obermeyer
Jasper Driskill
Highway Commission
2yr term, exp. 3/25
renomination of:
NW District Stan Tyson
NE District Charles Wilson
Zoning Appeals Board
5 yr term, exp. 3/28
renomination of:
Don Crohan
County Commission meetings are normally held at the Administrative complex at 1320 West Main St., Franklin in the auditorium (East end of bldg) @ 7 PM and generally on the 2nd Mon. of the month. Meeting agendas are available HERE. There is no meeting in December, April, or August. July’s meeting is when the tax rate and budget for the upcoming year are approved.
Anyone interested in getting a better understanding of our county resolutions can come to the Budget Committee meetings held on 1st Mondays @ 4:30 pm in the Conference Room across from the County Mayors’ office. In this committee, any resolution with a fiscal consequence is discussed one week prior to being voted on by the Commission as a whole. All Committee meetings are open to the public.
All your feedback is welcome.
Best Regards,
Barb Sturgeon
Williamson County Commissioner
District 8